Email Validation & Email List Cleaning
We ensures you only send email to real users and helps you separate the low-quality addresses from high-value contacts. Protect your reputation, increase open rates, and save money with Host & Soft.
Trusted Clients
73.9 M
Email Addresses Verified
Deliverability Guaranteed
Bounces Prevented
FREE Email List Analysis
Submit your Email List. We will Analyze it & confirm if list contains Bounced Emails
Then you can decide whether to pay for Email List Cleaning or not
Because we know how to validate email addresses better than anyone else. We are the creators of H & S eVerifier, the leading and award winning email validation component for software developers, and have been in the email validation business since 2006.
Our hosted email validation service allows you to perform full email hygiene and cleansing, using these tools
- advanced syntax verification, according to the Internet IETF standards;
- international domain names (IDN) and international mailboxes check, built to handle non-ASCII email addresses with non-Latin symbols and alphabets;
- ISP-specific syntax validation, with support for dozens of the biggest ISPs;
- DNS validation, including MX record(s) lookup;
- disposable e-mail address (DEA) validation;
- SMTP connection and availability checking;
- mailbox existence checking, with greylisting and temporary unavailability support;
- catch-all testing.